Category Archives: eNews

What’s In A Number?

Summer greetings everyone!

I hope you all are enjoying the summer months. Although I have been busy, I have found time to enjoy some outdoor activities. Hopefully you have as well.

I decided I would have a little fun with this month’s publication. As the title suggests, I pulled up random statistical data that if not informative, certainly is interesting, and borders on entertaining. So what is in a number? Lets break it down from bottom to the top.

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Unclaimed Tax Refunds

Pre-summer greetings everyone!

With summer right around the corner, and tax season in the rear-view mirror, it truly is one of the best times of the year. Hopefully all of you have either exciting summer vacation plans….or perhaps a much needed relaxing break is in store for you. Whatever the case may be, take advantage of it and make the most of it.

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April 2013 eNews

Greetings all,

I wanted to take this time to thank all of you for your support over these years. It’s been over 20 for some of you. And though I had planned on a tax career for the rest of my life, I have recently been provided an opportunity that I could not resist. It is with great excitement ….but also some sadness, that I hang up my shingle as I prepare for the next adventure in my life. I am more than happy to recommend some quality (though not so cool) replacements for your tax needs. And of course this is an April fool’s joke. Some of you would have been extremely disappointed if I didn’t pull some sort of shenanigans.

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